6 months? No, please.

It hit me last night that Maya will be 6 months old next week. SIX MONTHS! I have to start feeding her! I mean, I have to start supplementing her breast milk with actual food that people eat. I officially feel like a mom.

I'm going to have to start buying baby food. I have to read ingredients and make brand choices and buy things. I have to carry baby food and baby spoons and BIBS. What the heck?

What. the. heck.

One tiny little milestone and suddenly she's going to preschool and driving and getting married. Ugh! Stop! I'm so relieved to look down and see her still tiny and in my arms.

Today, though, and for the next week, she's my tiny little baby who needs nothing but breast milk and love. I like this time where it's just her and me. I want to get to know her. She's shy, but she's a goofball. She's a snuggler and a talker and I can't wait until she knows actual words and can tell me all her thoughts and dreams.

This is basically turning into me just rambling because I'm freaking out a little. I have pretty much kept my cool so far, but the fact that she'll need to start eating the same basic food that I eat is absolutely insane. Also, I don't think I could ever get used to this - the whole my-baby-is-growing-up thing.


What is happening? Am I old?
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