8 Months

Lately, things have been not so good. I have the flu, and Justin and Maya are working their way off of a cold. They have horrible allergies, so I think that's compounding their problem. I must say that taking care of a clingy baby (who doesn't realize she's sick) is the absolute worst thing in the world to do when you feel like you're dying. The only thing worse, I think, would be having to care for multiple children instead of just one. I did have a single moment where I wished she was old enough to go to school, because then I'd at least get a chance to nap or bathe or cry or something.

Maya is just five days shy of 8 MONTHS OLD! Her tooth game is strong. She never ever ever stops moving, like a puppy. GOGOGOsleepGOGOGOsleepGOGOGO. She loves water and barely even notices toys in the bath because she's too busy splashing all the water around. She's still breastfeeding but not nearly as often. She'll eat almost any food we give her, unless it's baby food, then she gets super picky. Apples? Sure. Bananas? Heck yeah, all of 'em. Meat? Ew, no. Carrots? No, sorry. It's much easier to just mash up some of my food and give that to her.

She's a big time cuddler, which is a habit I will never try to break her of, even if it means I'll be carefully removing myself from bed Jenga-style as not to disturb her for the rest of my life. She's got so much hair now, and the bedhead every morning is LEGIT. So far she's said mama, dada, nana, and baba (asking for a brother, maybe?) She's getting pretty good on her own these days and warms up to people much faster. This has been extremely helpful since I've been going to the gym and can't hold her while I'm on the treadmill. You know, safety and stuff. She still sleeps in our bed with us, which is fun and all... but I'm aware of the fact that this will not be fun as our family grows and we run out of room in the bed. I've formulated a plan to get her out of our bed, which should work well when I get around to doing it. I'll admit I'm a little lax with the "rules" on crib-training because, well, I just like cuddling with her.

The same thing applies to breastfeeding. I'd love to stop breastfeeding for a while before our next baby, but then I think about it a little more. When Maya stops breastfeeding - which she'll do when she's ready, probably sooner than later - that's it. Nursing isn't one of those things you do forever. (I mean, you could, but yikes.) So why rush to the end?

Oh, yeah. Because maybe I'd like my body back for two seconds.

Hahahaha just kidding, I'll never get my body back. I'm not talking physically, I mean this body will forever be an extension of Maya and her world. I'm in high demand around here, you know. Like royalty, basically.
2 comments on "8 Months"
  1. Never stop with this blog, I love it, it's like being with you guys, getting to hear about all the things I've missed out on. Love you. Xxx

  2. You completely get motherhood. I'm proud of that, and of you too.


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