The full article was originally posted on TheBLT, where I'm a guest columnist.
When you're in the sea of adulthood and you're getting slapped in the face by wave after wave, it can seem impossible to keep your head above water. We all get stressed in life; we all get overwhelmed sometimes. As a human and as a parent, you have to find ways to earn that "mom of the year" mug without going to jail or dying or shrieking choice words at your children. I recently had to accept wise, old words recently popularized by a young queen in a glittery dress: Let it go.
It sounds like a jab, but it isn't. It's freedom. Admitting that "doing it all" isn't realistic is me letting myself off the hook. If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree... You know?
Am I still a human and will I still make mistakes? Yes. However, even if I'll forever be critical of myself, I should never be my worst critic. The world will take care of that. I have to pick my battles, with my children, with my critics, and even with myself.
You can read the article in its entirety here.
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