White Tree

So, I'm looking at the tree we just put up. It's from the first Christmas we ever shared as husband and wife. We lived in a little apartment (actually, a huge one - 900 square feet that was basically all bedroom) in Norman. Justin has a thing for live Christmas trees, so we agreed that I could have whatever tree I wanted until we started getting real ones. Justin's car was broken down, so he walked half a mile to the dollar store and, for $20, walked home with a 6-foot white tree.

We've used it every year since. We were going to start the "real tree" tradition this year, but moving into our own place during the holiday season bumped it down a bit on the priority list.

That white tree is small and simple, but it has tons of sentimental value. As I'm looking at it, I notice that all the ornaments are hung with paper clips, which makes me laugh. That first year, when Justin brought home that tree, I went to Walmart and bought colored lights and a bunch of glittery ornaments since we didn't have any of our own. I forgot to buy hooks for the bulbs and all I had on hand were paper clips. (They work way better than the regular hooks, but they are still paper clips, after all.)
I doubt we'll ever stop using that white tree. Even when we get a big, green, live tree and deck it out in the living room, that white tree will be up in our bedroom, making me feel all nostalgic and such. I'll beg him to let me keep it on all night like always, and he'll tell me no so we don't burn the house down for the sake of ambiance when we're not even awake, like always. As the years go by, it might make me cry a little when I reminisce, but I've accepted that as part of motherhood and welcome it when the time is right. When the time is right. Not today, oh heart! Not today. Can't start that only three months in. Nope.

So, our stuff is still mostly in boxes. I still haven't figured out what each light switch controls, and we still need a shower curtain (among many, many things) but that tree went up because this is our home now and dang it, it's Christmas!
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