I am Susie Homemaker

When I'm laying -- lying... whatever -- in bed at night, I just shut my eyes and think. I'm not that tired, but then I get a text. Suddenly, I'm the most exhausted I've ever been, and simply opening my eyes would use up the very last fumes of energy I have. It's not about the time, it's not about who. It's the fact that my brain decided to sleep already. Sorry, I don't call the shots. Brain does. So I lie, eyes closed, havin' a good ol' back 'n' forth with my brain to decide of it would be worth it to just wait and open the text in the morning, when my eyes don't weigh a zillion pounds and my arms aren't so perfectly snuggled under the warm covers. Last night, that happens. I answered the text, except then I had to get up and pee, and my scalp was throbbing because my hair has been in a bun all week, and I could taste toothpaste in my mouth, which was surprisingly unpleasant.

And really, I'm not lying in bed, I'm lying on the couch. Because that's where we've been sleeping lately. We have a mission today to go to my parents' house and retrieve our bed and dresser. The bed we have been using was left by the previous homeowners (we're tenants here, not owners) and let me tell you about this bed. IT'S HORRIBLE. The box spring is broken and the mattress has to be the first mattress ever made. It finally got to the point where I couldn't move my neck even to drive, and the couch looked preeeeetty comfortable. So here we are, today, finally getting our big, awesome bed from my parents' garage.

To make room for this, though, I've spent the last three days fighting in the cleaning war I waged on this house. It was overdue for a good cleaning anyway.

I won't go into all the gruesome details, but just know that I am amazing and I should have been a stay-at-home wife much sooner. My brilliant plan is to make myself invaluable as Susie Homemaker so Justin will see I am much better off here than at any 9 to 5.

That probably means it's time I got on the cooking train.

...Hahahahahahahaha I'm not getting on the cooking train. I'm Susie Homemaker, not Betty Crocker. Let's just be honest with ourselves. If I get on the cooking train, all my loved ones need to host an intervention, because I'll either like cooking suddenly and the real Reghan has been abducted by aliens, OR I'll weigh 400 pounds and everyone else will starve because I have a habit of eating all the food as it cooks.

So... what's the best way to clean a mattress?
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