Birthing Class, the Hospital, & I need how much water?

I have a pretty hot looking selfie of me sitting under the dryer at the hair salon, and that's the only picture I've taken between my last post and now.

I haven't been doing nothing, though, because we started our birthing class! AND we took a tour of the hospital. Now I am officially stoked. I'm in full-on LET'S HAVE THIS BABY mode and I CANNOT CONTAIN IT.

Our birthing class is three Saturdays in a row, of which we have two left. It's starts in the morning and lasts until 1pm, and they have the best fruit and donuts and blueberry muffins that we all just snack on the entire time. We got fancy travel cups (mugs? glasses?) that we're instructed to drink 8-10 of a day while pregnant, which is basically impossible. Only half of that has doubled the number of trips I take to the bathroom every day, and frankly, I can't have that. I just can't. I've also decided that my bladder has a secret trap door to hold extra fluid until 30 seconds after I only thought I emptied my bladder.

The teacher of the class is an actual labor & delivery RN at the hospital. (Fun fact: My hospital has only RNs, no LPNs.) One of the models she used was a life-size pelvic bone. I'm not normally squeamish, but seeing that instantly disgusted me, and I remember thinking of my nurse friend and how she's the only person I know who would've been fascinated by it. Then the nurse passed it around for all of us to see, or touch or whatever, and I was like NO. I passed it on to the next couple by holding it with only two fingers on each edge, because I don't want to imagine MY pelvic bone or the baby - that's currently stuck in my body and is already too big to get out of there painlessly - being a full-size newborn and having to fit its whole body through that bone. How is this not disturbing to everyone?!

Besides that, the class was so fun. I have tried to stay pretty educated on this whole pregnancy/labor/delivery thing, but I learned more in this one day of class than I ever thought I would. We practiced labor positions and breathing through contractions, which was nothing like hee-hee-hoo and more like actual breathing. She let us have about 80 trips to the bathroom, which was awesome. I love classes catered to pregnant women! Leave food out all day and give us a ton of potty breaks.

Currently, Baby Girl is stretching and deforming my stomach, which is, by the way, the strangest and most amazing thing I've ever experienced.

The goal of the birthing class is to give you enough knowledge on the process of labor and delivery to take away the fear. What's funny, though, is that seeing the hospital room did that very thing. (Plus, we learned all about the details of their infant security, which really helped papa bear cope with the whole thing because he was not as immediately fearless and Let's have her today! as I was. You know, the whole Sag vs. Taurus thing we've got going on.) Our top priority is that she and I are healthy and that everything goes well, but that goes without saying. Aside from that, I'm just hoping we get one of the big rooms at the hospital instead of a small room. Hahahahaha. Really, though.

Homework for myself:
1. Take more pictures.
2. Drink more water...but do I have to?
3. Stop trying to sleep on your back. It's over.

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